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Sandy Parnell.jpeg


I grew up in the hills of upstate New York, have been collecting found objects most of my life, and have grown to love the process of creating art with those objects. The focus of my art is transforming found objects into assemblages representing alternative, aesthetic narratives. I combine, in a single composition, elements from various sources to create a new story for the seemingly unrelated objects. The assemblages are works in progress, informing each other as they roost on shelves in my workspace. The process of recasting objects seems to mirror the transformations we experience in our lives. The elements of our personal narratives are fluid, have endless possibilities, and change over time in texture, shape and composition. 

Sandy Parnell

Maternal Roosting, Parnell.jpeg

Maternal Roosting - assemblage

Enduring Strength, Parnell.jpeg
Velvet Queen, Parnell.jpeg

Velvet Queen - assemblage

Enduring Strength - assemblage

A Trilogy, Parnell.jpeg

A Trilogy - assemblage

River Ride, Parnell.jpeg

River Ride - assemblage

Goat on a Limb, Parnell.jpeg

Goat on a Limb - assemblage

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