Minnesota Artists Association

2017 80th Spring Juried Exhibition
Our 80th Spring Juried Exhibition at Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts was a huge success!! Our juror, Shana Kaplow, did an outstanding job of talking about the show in general, discussing the individual award winners, and then speaking to any artist who wanted comments on his or her work. Shana's comments were not only insightful but educational. I think she helped us to all think about our work in a new way. We had about 75 people in attendance and the MAA board provided the wonderful food, cake and punch! Many thanks to Diane Gilbertson for preparing all the food and displaying it so nicely. Thanks to Edie Karras for adding the guacamole and chips! Thanks to Jeffrey Ebeling, director at BLCA, for hosting our show and providing the paper goods. Terrie Christian and Jeffrey did a wonderful job designing the show. Many thanks to the hanging crew: Rick Mittelstadt, Annie Young, Mandy Bitzegaio, Tom Dimock, Jeffrey Ebeling and Marjorie Moody. Behind the scenes we have Jack O'Leary who makes the entry form & People's Choice tags and Mary Ann Morgan who organizes the information and does the data entry from the entry forms. Congratulations to all the artists in the show and to the award winners! Thank you all for making our 80th anniversary show such a great celebration!!
Awards of Excellence

Mandy Bitzegaio - oil
Strong, Beautiful, Faithful

Judy Lieber
My Favorite Alley - oil pastel

Ann Sisel
Solar Flares - WC & charcoal
Awards of Merit

Mary Ann Morgan
Passages - acrylic mixed media

Jake Posey
The Poet - oil
Emmy White
Biker - watercolor
Honorable Mention

Kat Corrigan
Late Saturday Night - acrylic
Marjorie Moody
Rhythm & Blues - mixed media
Elena Nikonov
Autumn - acrylic
People's Choice

Jon Geisinger
Selfie - melted crayons

Runner up
Christine Tierney
Pitcher and Bowl - oil