Minnesota Artists Association

"Call of the Woods"
Rick Mittelstadt
MAA Board Members
President, Jim Geisinger 612-868-7653
Vice President, currently open
Secretary, Ann Sisel 612-275-0774
Treasurer, Wayne Sisel sisel001@umn.edu
Exhibitions, Marjorie Moody 651-644-0068
Programs, currently open
Newsletter, Marie Panlener 612-741-5206
panlener@mac.com (News deadline is the 20th)
Website, Shakun Maheshwari 952-476-6475
Board Member at large, Jack O'Leary 952-888-0638

During the Great Depression there were no jobs, no Social Security, no unemployment benefits, bread lines...and very little support for artists. On April 14, 1937, a heady group of artists decided to pool their energies and help one another. They formed a group where they could discuss their problems, gain encouragement to go on, and keep their spirits alive by communicating about a topic that was their life: ART.
The Minnesota Artists Association is the original art organization in Minnesota. It remains to this day an all inclusive organization which shows works in all media: Sculpture, oil painting, watercolor, acrylic, gouache, pastel, and collage as well as drawing, graphic work and photography. Sprinkled throughout our membership rosters from years past is a veritable who's who of art in Minnesota, too many well known names to recount here.
At various times we've operated our own gallery, organized satellite exhibitions around the state, and offered classes and demonstrations by well known professional artists. We have two juried shows annually, one for members and one open to all artists. There are monthly meetings throughout the calendar year where artists can socialize, take in demos and occasionally draw from live models. In the summertime we offer an outdoor paint-out schedule. All events are publicized in a monthly newsletter and on our website.
After 87 years MAA is still a heady group of artists supporting each other and providing exhibitions for the community to enjoy!