Minnesota Artists Association

2021 84th Spring Juried Exhibition
We had our awards presentation on zoom in May due to covid but actually had an in person reception in June at the Landmark Center in downtown St. Paul where we presented the ribbons to the award winners! There were 40 artworks in the North Gallery and many out of town visitors enjoyed the show! Dan Wiemer was our juror. Here are the award winners:
Awards of Excellence

JuliAnne Jonker
Selene, Goddess of the Moon
oil & wax on wood panel
Jim Geisinger
oil on canvas
Greg Lecker
Mixing of Waters
oil on panel
Awards of Merit

Vera Kovacovic
Duluth Dusk
Jeanne Emrich
Cascade along Bear Run at "Fallingwater" Pennsylvania
mixed media
Jerry Majkrzak
oil on wood panel
Honorable Mention
Kat Corrigan
Breakfast Buddy (Where's the Food?)
acrylic on canvas

Donald Aggerbeck

Sheldon Stockdale
Green stone with quartz veins, granite base, gold with green patina
Visitor's Choice

JuliAnne Jonker
Selene, Goddess of the Moon
oil & wax on wood panel
Jim Geisinger
Ken Valentas
Coast Guard Grand Marais